If you live in an apartment, you are likely to order your phone or SIM and not be able to get it delivered because Visible's system (and Verizon, too) won't include your apartment number on the shipping address. It will appear in your profile, but somehow gets excluded from the shipping address when they ship the product. Meanwhile, they put restrictions on the shipment so that you can't adjust or fix the shipping address and they can't fix anything from their end, either. So, your package is basically held up at UPS and you have to pray that it at least gets returned to Visible and processed accordingly so that you might get your money back. Fortunately, I only bought a $200 phone, so the most I'll be out is $212. If I get it back, it will be a miracle but I'm not going to hold my breath and chalk up as a learning experience. I had the exact same thing happen with Verizon a couple years ago when I needed an updated SIM for some reason. Their system did the same exact thing - didn't include my apartment number. Fortunately, you can at least call Verizon and I was able to get the address fixed on their end and they sent me another SIM. I never got the original. If you don't have a house where the shipment can be sent, it is a bad idea to order anything from any Verizon-related company because your chances of getting it are not good since their system leaves off apartment numbers. I'll come back and update if and when things are resolved. I'm expecting to be out $212 with my only forms of retribution being my ability to write a negative Google review and a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Live and learn, I guess.
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