Call Restriction announcement 803

Novice II

10/2/2022, both my wife and my cell cannot make outgoing or incoming call.  No data service also.  When calling my own number from another device, "We're sorry the number you had dialed has calling restriction that is preventing the completion of your call, announcement 803".  We had been Visible customer for many years.  We switched over to the new plan about 1+ month ago.  The process to active the new plan had been horrible.  Now this issue came up today ...


Novice II

Status update, resolved after going through chat session with support.  Had to wait about 40+ minutes in queue.  We have physical SIM; after providing IMEI they performed something called "reprovision the SIM" process followed by restarting the phone.

Yea, I had that issue too, had to wait a few for the Chat Queue, but once I was in chat, I and mentioned the 803 issue, and shared a link to this issue here. - Waited a few, verified Email, etc, etc, rebooted phone and VIOLA...  I can call in and out.  ๐Ÿ˜

I experienced the exact same scenario. Current customer who had difficulty switching to the new plan. Lack of customer service. I now cannot use my phone and am waiting for customer service again because I got the "Announcement 803" message and text messages keep bouncing. Visible apparently thinks their customers have nothing better to do with their time than sit by the computer waiting for a chat. Customer service is a "0" on a scale of 1-10. Phone service was ok, but not great resulting in a 5 out of 10.

Novice II

Hi! I know how obnoxious this problem is I had it myself as with all technology these days, every company will have its bugs and issues. First, don't do anything drastic like re-install your eSIM. Simply enter the waiting line for Visible's live chat it will take some time to be connected with an agent but there's no getting past that. Simply ask them to re-provision your network (Basically a network refresh) and then restart your phone when the representative is finished. Also do not be discussing with your agent over the same cellular device that is experiencing the issue. Hope this works! It did for me about three times now so it is near fault proof! 

I just got my phone fixed and didn't even have to restart the phone, the agent just had me turn on airplane mode for 10 seconds after he reprovisioned the sim, which is apparently different from resetting the network on my phone (which I also tried). At least it's working again!

Novice II

I spent a day working with Visible on this and was unrelenting with 4 chats and escalation but I think sequence and quality of your chat tech REALLY matters -

at my 4th chat we solved it,  7 hours after my problem was escalated to the specialists that I did not hear back from so I will share what worked for me  (we know we're paying for less service from Visible vs. Verizon) 

(like eveyone else, the standard troubleshooting did not work)


Had to delete plan and reinstall the eSim

Restart phone

Reset Network Settings


then I was ok (after all day effort and unsuccessfully trying so many other things)

I have to admit, I was ready to walk away today given what read on this help forum of 8 days or 3 weeks without ability to receive or make calls - that was not an option, bad enough to lose a whole day  


hope this helps someone along the way!


10/1 it's 9pm... I've been "chatting" since 6pm.... I've yet to get my "next level" email. I've had the company sim magic, rebooted and nothing! I hope they work nights, I get up early to drive! 


I was relief to find this post and replies. At least, I found out I was not alone. (LOL)


I had the same problem with "call restriction" when I activated my phone. I was able to do everything except for making phone calls. After went through all troubleshoots with the AI, I started chatting with a "live agent". The agent was asking all sorts "silly questions", such as if I dial the number correctly, if my phone was expose to high heat. Then, I realized I should have looked for help somewhere else. 


After reading some of the replies, I asked the agent to re-provision my network. He did. No use. I asked to re-install my eSim. He did. No use. (but, I think those steps are good to try.) Finally, after many different attempts, he suggested to reset my phone to factory setting. However, it will take forever for me to backup my data. 


Finally, when I was frustrated to find out that my phone even failed to complete the backup, I tried to make calls again... And it worked! So, I don't know why the problem occurred and how it got fixed (Thank you for reading my story LOL), but this taught me a lesson - when your tech wasn't doing his/her job, there is still help out there.


After many different attempts, he