Need assistance from some at Visible Mobile who cares about customer service


It took my husband 7 days to transfer his phone from Verizon to Visible-a subsidiary of Verizon!!! For two days, Verizon wouldn't release the number, then finally they did and Visible could not port it over. Case 07031574. We had to use chat and would chat with your reps for up to two hours at a time to try to correct the situation. Each time we were told "rest assured, I will fix this for you." Well, they didn't and then they would say, "we will get back to you in 24 hours and it will be fixed." Again, it wasn't. So we would start a new chat and start all over again. At one point, Raven offered to call us and I really thought she was going to make something happen but was unable. This went on for 5 days! 5 days!!! During this time, he had NO PHONE! This was extremely inconvenient and frustrating. And yet all we could do is wait and chat. At one point we asked to speak to a supervisor, and Javier called us. During this interaction, he offered us $5.00 off our next bill. That was an insult. $5.00!!! Maybe it's all that Visible allows them to do for a customer but this issue is well beyond a $5.00 reimbursement. How do I get to someone who cares and wants to make this right? 


Ace II

Unfortunately this is a peer to peer forum. If you are looking for someone from customer service that actually cares you won't get that here since we are either customers or potential customers that visit these forums looking for answers or try to help answer those questions. To get a hold of someone who would possibly care would be back to what you were doing is by contacting Visible by chat or one of their social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. 


It is likely that offering $5 is all an agent can do. Visible is prepaid and usually no refunds are issued. 


Only thing to improve maybe getting an issue fixed is to ask for it to be sent to the executive relations team which I think might be Verizon customer service but I am unsure about that. 


From what I have read I think Visible makes the mistake of treating a move from Verizon as a port rather than a migration, from my understanding a migration is not handled the same as a port. Again, this is just from what I have read so don't take my word for it.

I know someone else who had this problem.  do as DeanKevin64 suggested and  Ask for it to be sent to the executive relations team.

Thanks. What's funny is this is the place I was referred to by the person on the Visible chat!! LOL

Thatโ€™s embarrassing!

Novice III

Porting between Verizon and Visible can be a headache if not done correctly. I believe the website may have an issue with this process. Visible treats number transfers from Verizon as ports when really they are migrations, as they're really on the same network, almost anyway. The correct process is setting up a Visible account, skip the prompt to transfer your number, and then reach out to Visible chat on a PC and ask them to migrate your number from Verizon. Obviously most people wouldn't know to do this, and Visible/Verizon really should fix the automated process. This way the system can automatically migrate and not attempt to port the number which is the wrong process. Sorry you had to deal with all this. As far as getting some type of compensation, Visible is prepaid. $5 is probably all you're going to get.


Wow. Doing research looking to switch from Verizon to Visible. I'm nervous after reading this as it looks like the process is difficult & very, very time consuming. Where do you go for a step by step for setting up existing phone to Visible?


Now I'm nervous to make the switch? Doing research Verizon to Visible and it looks like doing the switch can be confusing, difficult and very, very time consuming. Is there no place to go for step by step instructions?


These are the instructions on the website. As mentioned in my earlier post that from what I read on Reddit a port from Verizon is handled differently, it is a migration. I don't know the exact procedure but maybe try doing a search on Visible's Reddit page. Someone had just posted instructions for the port from Verizon less than a week ago.


I think someone had also mentioned that there is instructions on Visible for different porting instructions from each carrier. Not sure where to find it but try in the help section at