Status: New

With the introduction of the 50GB of premium data plan, it would be great if the app or website would monitor your data usage so you can see where you are at during the billing cycle.

1 Comment
Novice III

While I like the idea, I have used Verizon Wireless for 14 years - and not even they can get data usage correctly. I have data monitoring on my iPhone and every month I'd check just for giggles and ... Verizon was never close... especially when I was hotspotting - Verizon would say I used 3GB and my iPhone would say that I had used 20GB ... so I imagine even if it was turned on, it would be incredibly inaccurate. lol. In the end I just turned off all the monitoring on my iPhone and tried to just use what I needed to.

Now that I'm on Visible .... now I don't even have to worry lol. Win win.