Apple Watch Family Setup workaround

Novice II

I switched to Visible to get access to the Verizon network since it seems to have better coverage where my kids go to school.  I switched my iphone to Visible, switched my own Apple Watch 7 to Visible, but there seems to be no way to add a child's watch with a separate phone number using Apple Watch Family Setup. Rather than wait for Visible to get around to supporting Family Setup, I created a Verizon account just for her Apple Watch SE.  Lo - and - behold it seems to work!  Family Setup received the Verizon carrier setup information about 20 minutes after Verizon sent me her new phone number.  Only downside I see so far is that I have to use two different carrier companies but at least they both use the Verizon towers & network. #Apple Watch #Apple Watch Family Setup #Activation 





I don't quite follow, do you pay separately for Verizon?

Just another visible user, willing to help others.
Please mark my answer as solution if it helped you.

Novice II


Novice II

Can you give us some additional details on how your daughters Apple Watch is treated both by Verizon and Visible in terms of monthly pricing? Did you actually use the Apple Family setup procedure for the watch.


I was wondering if this would work or if I would need to just get one of those kid watches from Verizon.  Those donโ€™t get good reviews. 


I did a similar work around with T-Mobile for my kids watches. I have my iPhone and Apple Watch service with Visible and 3 standalone Apple Watch lines with T-Mobile and activated them via the watch app under family setup. I have to pay visible and T-Mobile separately but with auto pay itโ€™s easy. 


I just want to confirm for others looking into this that as of Feb 2, 2024, __evan__'s workaround is still necessary, and to the best of my knowledge, the best choice for Visible users. Unlimited Cellular service for a watch without a phone is currently $10/mo for an Apple Watch with Verizon.


It's awesome to hear you found a workaround for setting up your child's Apple Watch! It's all about finding what works best for your family's needs. Have you considered exploring options like Better Roaming for future setups? They offer connectivity solutions that could complement your setup and enhance your overall experience. Just a thought! Keep exploring what works best for you.