11-16-2021 12:41 AM
Find the phone here. $150
Plus after completing 3 full months of service payments, you will receive an email with a code to redeem your virtual gift card worth $100.
Want to make this deal even sweeter?
Join Rakuten:
$30 - Rebate when you sign up for Rakuten & spend $30 https://www.rakuten.com/r/RAKUTE3083?eeid=28187
$15 - After signing up for Rakuten, use the Visible link to make your purchase on the Visible website: ttps://www.rakuten.com/visible.com
$35 - Savings when you use my referral link to join Visible https://www.visible.com/get/36mt7h Your first month of service will be $5
$15 - Savings in your second month & each month going forward when you join a Party https://www.visible.com/plan/party-pay (Join a large group, don't mess around with parties trying to get the minimum of four people)
Let's do the math
Buy phone (was $216) $150
Join Rakuten: ($30)
Make purchase on Visible.com via the Rakuten link: ($15)
Three months of service (First month $5, next two months $25/each after joining a party) $55
Virtual gift card ($100)
Net spent $60
The phone only has 32 GIG of memory, but is easily expandable with a memory card. The battery is huge, and I have read some people can use the phone for two days without charging.
Any questions? Post them here or message me.