I have gone thru 3 ZTE phones . They are just too dainty . I spoke with
a Visible rep some time ago about a Rugged phone. I named off phones
until she said that Blackview should work . It dont . Who has a
indestructo phone for Visible
I still have my Nokia baby brick . Ha Casio made a rugged series too but
they flooded . Nokia and Casio made some not so nice, northend of a
south bound mule , phones too . Now U have to almost get it a bodyguard
to keep it together .Sonium XP3300 ca...
I still have my Nokia baby brick . Ha Casio made a rugged series too but
they flooded . They made some ,not so nice north end of a south bound
mule , phones too . Now U have to almost get it a bodyguard to keep it
frum brakin .Sonium XP3300 can be dr...
Ive got stock in cases and screen protectors . I read an Iphone survived
a 75ft drop , in a loaf of bread . Maybe a loaf of bread ? Bargain phone
? Visible has nothing so far that I need in phones. A patch may work .
Kno any ?
I had just installed the liquid skreen protector on my BFN Blade 11 and
only after I took it out of the box . Nite Ize case/holster . Ive been
thru 3 ZTE and # Nite Ize cases this year. Before I could get the screen
protector reqistered , Blade 11 lo...