My Horrific Experience with Visible: 12 Days Without Phone Service and Endless Lies


I wanted to share my nightmare experience with Visible, hoping it might save someone else from the same frustration.


  • I joined Visible with no initial problems. My phone number was transferred within 12 hours, and the only way to activate service is via the app.

The Nightmare Begins:

  1. Login Issues:

    • The app kept clearing the username/password field every time I tried to log in, preventing me from accessing my account.
    • I spent a staggering 11.5 hours dealing with a combination of chat support, social chat, and calls with managers. After all that time, they finally admitted that a bug fix was needed for my account.
  2. Bug Fix and New Issues:

    • Two days later, they made a fix, and I could finally log in. However, a new issue arose.
    • The app requires 5 steps for activation. While my number was transferred, the app and backend system incorrectly thought I had skipped 2 steps, blocking my activation.
  3. Support Fiasco:

    • I reached out to support again, but their own systems didn’t respond (I have images to prove this).
    • After 2 more days, they promised a higher-level team would look into it and get back to me within 4-24 hours. It's now been 4 days since that promise.

Current Status:

  • I STILL don’t have access to my phone service.
  • I have been lied to every single day. It has now been 12 days without service.
  • Visible effectively stole my number, and no one seems capable of helping me.




I am having very similar situation have you had any luck yet on getting your original phone number.   My wife’s phone transferred easy mine is not working and yes all they do is lie every time you try to chat for any updates.