Order not going through Visible system


I have placed an order for a phone 2 times with Visible.  I am being told that the order has never been received.  I do receive an order number from Visible and I also receive emails that pmt has been sent to Paypal.  I have spent 4 hours trying to get to the bottom of this only to be told I have to place the order again.  Is this a scam or what is going on?  I need to hear from other folks out there, if this has happened to them.  Thank you.



It's not a scam, it's just Visible's totally horse manure customer service.

I went through the same thing a few weeks ago.  And while chatting, they kept having me order phones.  At one point I had seven phones on order from 2 different banks and two different credit cards.

This went on for days...  Daily chats, HOURS of screwing around.

Once things got to the mythical "technicians", and nothing happened for a few days, we solved the problem.  Cancelled both phone accounts, got the port out codes, and got service elsewhere.


Visible is a little cheaper, and it's FINE as long as you NEVER need customer service to help with a problem.  You're now seeing what happens when you DO need them...

Wow! Thanks for the info. I've been waiting for my order as well and cannot find any info on it. I'll give it a couple more days then cancel my payment. That's not good customer service and makes me wonder how long they will be in business.

Thank you!
