Phone's dead


My phone is dead. I need my account number and port out pin but have a 2 step process to access my account. When I log in it sends a text to my number which I can't access. Help!!


Not applicable

There is no one here that can help you, need to contact customer service by chat and have them disable it.


skibik is correct, you must contact support. Here are a few other tips:


-When you ask them to turn off multi-factor authentication, they will need to send you an email to do this. They will try and say that the email will come in a few hours and you have to watch your email inbox like a hawk, because you only have 15 minutes to click the link in this email.


If you ask nicely, they can actually schedule the email, so you can be ready for it. Plan on scheduling this email at least 24 hours in the future.


-Be sure to specify your time zone when scheduling the email. I specified the time, support decided to send email at that time in their time zone instead of mine.


-When turning off multi-factor, it is for 24 hours only, so as soon you get the email, click the link, log in to your account, and get what you need done.


Good luck. Reply here if you have additional questions.



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