Status: New

Provide realistic updates on the status of Wear OS support instead of the typical deflecting scripted replies.

If you are going to offer eSIM for Apple Watch, then you need to offer it for Android's Wear OS, too.  Your parent company, Verizon, does so it's not a technical limitation.


Otherwise Android users feel like second class Visible citizens.


Seriously? No option for the Pixel Watch? Maybe it is time for me to change providers then.


Yeah this is pretty crazy how little they seem to care. Just a little transparency on if they are really working on it or not. Other members in my house have apple watches and iPhones so it's very inexpensive and a good plan for them. I'm the outlier having android. I ended up going to ATT FirstNet as it was the cheapest I could find to support Wear OS and have good service. I travel into rural areas so TMO/Fi is just not ready yet. 


Hoping we can get some update/word on this soon with the launch of the Pixel Watch 2. Would be useful to have on the Android side of things since it's available for iPhone/Apple Watch users.

Novice II

Also here checking for the Pixel Watch 2 as well : (


Adding my voice to the "want Pixel Watch on Visible" subject.  I just got my Pixel Watch 2 and would love to use the LTE function on Visible.


This looks like it's been requested for a very long time now.  Has Visible said they are working on it or just avoiding us?

Novice II

I have been watching this for about a year now.   It is apparent to me Visible cares less about us android people.   If your not a IOS person Visible will take your money but will not comment on anything android wear os.   

I don't think Visible doesn't care.  I believe they care.  Remember Android isn't as easy to support as Apple.  iOS or Watch OS there is one watch.  There are several android watches.  We don't know what needs to happen behind the scenes.    As for why they don't say anything if as an example only they said watch support would be available today and they found a bug in the 11th hour and they had to delay role out they would get criticized.  They are in a catch 22.  

Novice II

you very well may be correct.  I am simply in hopes Visible will allow a e-sim for the watch.  I am simply asking for e-sim support for android device.  we can do a e-sim for jetpacks or other device.  I may be wrong.  why not the watch?   after all Visible is a verizon company.  

and maybe that is the reason.  but you cant get a straight answer anyway its asked.   

other then that Visible is a great company to have service with.  

I have no proof of this but my own personal opinion is it  has to do with they are working through any issues and how to do that.  do I think it will eventually happen?  Yes.    The last thing you want is major issues when it does come.  so factor that in as well.  I'm basing my opinion on the fact I have been part of private beta  testing projects over the years.  Trust me when I say there multiple factors and issues you have to hit right before you can release something like this to  the masses.  Just hang in there.


If Verizon accepts Pixel watches outcome visible? Can't? I just don't understand something that is already working on other carriers. Can't work with visible. Why beta tests or not have it online when it's already everywhere?