Unable to load visible.com from an xfinity connection


For the past few days I have been unable to connect to the visible.com web site  while connected to my xfinity home network.   This occurs on both my laptop and my phone; the Visible app won't load either.  The web page gives a 502 error and the app just sits there trying to load.


The problem is not with my home network as EVERTHING  else loads just fine on both my laptop and phone 


The only way to get these to load is to connect my laptop to my hotsport or turn off WiFi on my phone.

This was very painful as I was converting two family member's phones to Visible service, which was tough under these circumstances.


I don't know if this is Visible's issue or Xfinity's issue but something ain't right.


Any body else seeing this?


Ace II

If you can open the website using the laptop while using hotspot data from the phone on Visible service it would be a problem with Visible but with your router while using Xfinity. Try resetting your home wi-fi router and see if that clears the issue. I am not tech savvy but think it has to do with your router blocking the Visible IP address and reset might clear it.