When is good time to buy the iPhone 13 mini?

Novice II

I saw an option for $100 GC and $720 price. Now, its $699 with $50 GC. Which one is a better deal? Should I wait to go down?


Also, looking to join PP for $25 a month.


Novice III

Hey there! That's such a great question. Apple doesn't make it easy to decide by offering so many iPhone models, but the iPhone 13 Mini is a good one (I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max but have previously used the 13 Mini; it's very compact and fits in your pocket easily, unlike the larger phones). I think the normal price that most carriers charge for that model is $729. But then they get you with an activation fee, which is usually $30 to $35. A $699 price sounds pretty good, especially with a $50 gift card. And no activation fees on Visible, which is awesome! I'm a new Visible customer (just signed up last week!) and loving it so far. I'm saving $50 a month vs. my previous Verizon bill, which is amazing. If you're looking to join a party to get the Party Pay discount, please feel free to check out ours. Our party was started by Michael Timmermann, who is a personal finance expert. I think he's been a visible customer for many 2-3 years, and raves about the service and the great value that it offers. Our party has about 350 members, and it's stable and growing. You wouldn't have to worry if a couple of people dropped out, unlike with much smaller parties. You can check out Michael's party here, which is called MichaelSaves (the same as his YouTube channel and his website):   https://visible.com/p/MichaelSaves

Thanks for the PP suggestion. 

My question is that will Visible lower the cost of iPhone 13 mini any soon?


Right now it’s $699 with $50 GC. Was $720 with $100 GC. 

Novice III

That’s a really good question. As a new Visible customer myself, I don’t have a good sense of when they run promotions or when phones go on sale. Every carrier is different that way. Often, most carriers have special deals when new phones come out. The iPhone 13 Mini has been out for about 4 months now, so it’s hard to say when or if Visible will lower the price any further. You may wish to reach out to Visible customer service to see if hey can offer any further insight on that, and good luck with your party search and your phone purchase!

My first month bill is $5. Is my possible to join a PP and get -$15 discount?

Also, any recommendations for a case and screen protector?

iPhone 13 mini handles max 20W power adapter? So no point in buying a 30W?

Novice II

Anyone have a Promo/Friend code where I can get a discount?