2 factor login to visible account and chat is of c... - Visible Community

2 factor login to visible account and chat is of course blocked during outage


Does anyone know how to setup something other than a text message to the visible phone number for 2 factor login to the visible account/chat? I don't see a way to setup an alternative or 2nd choice such as an email address or alternate phone number.


All  accounts I have with other companies allow multiple communication paths for the 2 factor login code. Visible is the one exception. Unless I am missing a key piece of information on 2 factor setup, during a visible network outage there is no way to communicate with visible on account issues.


Novice II

I went through the chat on their website.  They sent me an email message once I got an agent to cofirm that it was me.  Finding chat on their website is a pain. Go to Help at the top, Click on Help Center, scroll to the bottom and look for 'Still need help?".  Once you expand the plus sign on the right then click on the "contact us" link.


Hopefully this link will work to get you to the chat page.  https://www.visible.com/help/connect


Not applicable

One thing to note, when you are at your account sign on page even before you sign in there should be a little blue box with a caption box and three dots inside that in the bottom right-hand corner of the page, click on it, that will open the chat box. It will ask you to sign in but there is a skip button then it will ask you for your full name and email address.

You can also contact customer service by Facebook messenger or Twitter messaging both links or icons you can find in the bottom right-hand corner of this page.

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