Calling restriction when making any calls


I just ported to visible yesterday and getting this message when placing a call. Same when someone call me: We are sorry the number you have dialed has a calling restriction that prevented the completion of your call. 

customer service just says theyโ€™ll get back in 4 hours but never do l. Anyone knows what is going on? 



Have you tried some of the basic trouble shooting tips, such as resetting your network settings?


If you have tried all of them, the best thing to do is to keep on visible customer support, I would be reaching back out to them at 3 hours and 59 minutes after they said someone would contact you!



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I don't know why your saying to restart the phone, restarting the phone cuold only help if there us a problem between the phone and the towers, but restarting the phone when the problem is in visible system that won't help 

I was suggesting to try some of the basic troubleshooting tips that Visible recommends, regarding network settings, if the user was switching from a physical sim to esim, it may help clear any 'cobwebs' or settings that are stuck.  It can't hurt trying it while waiting for the Visible support team to call you back.


Slim chance of it working, as a reporovision is probably needed, but there is little risk in it.



If a post has solved your problem, please mark it as an acceptable solution, it helps others that may have experienced a similar issue get a quick resolution.


People on the Reddit forum that have had this issue got it resolved by having their SIM reprovisioned.


Do you use physical SIM card or e-SIM?

I have seen others using e-SIM had to redownload the e-SIM to make it work.

I use physical SIM card and you can chat with Visible representative on chat and ask them to reprovision the SIM. Shouldnt take more than 2 mins.


P.S: Please mark this as solution if it helped you.

Just another visible user, willing to help others.
Please mark my answer as solution if it helped you.


I am having this *exact* same problem, and also get the same error message as you are getting when I try to answer incoming calls or place them. 

I also waited on chat and went through chat for an hour to reprovision my eSim, which didn't work. So they escalated it, and email support came in telling me to complete the download of my eSim, which isn't even available through the Visible app. 

In addition, I reset my network settings, which has now created a giant pain of resetting all of that manually.

I'm waiting in chat again for help now... who knows how long this will take, but I'll switch providers if this isn't resolved stat.