Disappointed and angry

Novice II

Company showed there colors after a year plus with them.  Had a 140$ charge put on my card without my approval.  The charge wasn't even for my account. It was on someone elses account for a phone that they didn't send back.  After going back n forth with them for months almost now I've been called a liar, been told they weren't gonna make it right cause they ain't got to,  hung up on, been given the run around, and just treated outright like trash.  I've never cursed these people or been rude despite being so upset.  I've referred 5 other active service friends to there company and two others that are currently inactive,  bought over 1000$ in phones from them, and am going on a year and a half of service without any Interruptions n service.  I think that's a pretty darn loyal customer and now they're going to loose 6 currently active members over 140$.


Novice II

I've accepted that they are not going to do anything about this situation and that the damage they've done to my life is not of there concern.  I will slowly recover from the damage this transaction caused me over a few months time.  The only solution I have left is to take myself and the people I've brought to visible and leave for a new company.  And I will most definitely take any opportunity I find to deter Any possible new customers from joining as well.  

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That's unfortunate, did you reach out to your card company to work through their dispute process?


Also, do you have multiple accounts tied to one card, like you pay for multiple family members?  Not saying Visible is not in the wrong, but possible did a family member upgrade their phone without our knowledge?

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I have.  I disputed  it and visible returned to them some policy info or suntin of the likes a n d my cc company posted s the charge back on my account and said to further dispute the charge that i have to mail to them this long list of Info.  Most of which I can't acquire at all or have been denied being given it by visible.  


I has a friend come over to n visible as a referral and for his first months payment he used my card to get it started until he could go get a prepaid himself.  We live in extremely rural area in t h e Arizona dessert and often don't go to a populated town for weeks.  He chose to use the swap program to get a phone on the visible network.  He did return his phone to them as is the deal but it did not get to them until two days after the latest return date.  Even tho ups shows that he had it shipped back a few days before said Deadline it arived late to visible. After charging my card for the phone I contacted visible about the issue and they told me too bad the fine print says they don't have n to refund my money and also that they're keeping the swapped out phone.  So basically I paid them 140 bucks to steal my friends phone from him.....  

It's my opinion that as a company visible is just making  a poor decision financially and on a customer satisfaction viewpoint have failed completely.  I understand that legally they are not obligated to do anything for me here.  But morally and ethically they are In the wrong.  Business wise they will be loosing 6 customers at 25$ a month (as my whole party has my back and will leave with me) so that'd be 150$ a month loss in revenue due to a 1 time 140$ charge they won't return.  And since they are keeping the swapped phone they wouldnt loose out in any way should they issue the refund either.  And all this is because of 2 days travel time lost to the mail services.  

If I were you Xennex87, I would do the following:


-Start a chat with Visible, and explain what happened, that someone used your card, and did a swap, and that the return was late. Ask them if they can make a one time exception, that you tried to do the swap timely, and it just didn't happen.


-If it is denied, ask if you can escalate and talk to a manager.


-If that does not work, I am sorry. They have rules. The rules were not followed, the best you can hope for at this point is an exception. Good luck.


I would appreciate if you would report back here how this has been resolved.

If a post has solved your problem, please mark it as an acceptable solution, it helps others that may have experienced a similar issue get a quick resolution.

I had already tried that before resorting to the forums here.  They did not care one bit about my situation and showed no willingness to work the matter out by any means.  That is why they will be loosing a handful of customers.

File a charge back with your bank or credit card.

According to one of the responses the user did initiate a charge back.  Visible however submitted documentation to the credit card company and the charge was reinstated.

If a post has solved your problem, please mark it as an acceptable solution, it helps others that may have experienced a similar issue get a quick resolution.

Something is not right with this.  Either someone got your card which if that happened you need to make a police report which filing a false report is a crime or the charge is truly valid.  This is why I keep all receits it protects me and the company.

To quote the original poster "for his first months payment he used my card to get it started " this is your fault.  not Visibles Your friend should've paid for over night shipping if need be.  The charge unfortunately is valid.

I don't see the validity In making addional charges to a card that was only authorized for a one time transaction by the cards owner.  All other factors of the situation after that point shouldn't matter.  Regardless of the phones arrival date it did indeed get there and was Shipped before the return cut off by two days. The shipping company does not offer the opportunity to upgrade the pre-packaged return shipping label to over night either.  

I agree with Beav here unfortunately the policy wasn't followed to no fault of your own.  I would try Beavs suggestions.  Visibles policy should be a case by case bases.  Meaning you can prove you shipped it in a timely manner the shipper dropped the ball.  If that had happened in the reverse   Visible would say oh well not our problem we shipped it one day.  Well than the same should apply here.  Please report if a solution solved your problem.

One more thought on this.  If Visible goes to a case by case bases they should look at things like length of time with the company have you brought anyone.  If you used your referral code they should be able to see oh in the last year this person brought 5 people.  Well How many could those 5 bring or subtract.  In this case factoring everything in the fact that  it was not your fault it was the shippers fault you have been with them a year you brought 5 people if they had my policy it would go in your favor.  Unfortunately I don't make those choices.

Xennex87 this is frustrating I understand the company line however in this case I believe why technically they aren't wrong morally they are.  You did everything right You shipped it it should've been there.  They should do the right thing and refund your money.  This is why a case by case bases would  be the better policy here.  

I agree with you there.

Novice II

I've accepted that they are not going to do anything about this situation and that the damage they've done to my life is not of there concern.  I will slowly recover from the damage this transaction caused me over a few months time.  The only solution I have left is to take myself and the people I've brought to visible and leave for a new company.  And I will most definitely take any opportunity I find to deter Any possible new customers from joining as well.  

Sad that you had to go through this. Anyone could have been in your situation. My empathy for you๐Ÿ˜

Just another visible user, willing to help others.
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