I’m considering switching to Visible. - Visible Community

I’m considering switching to Visible.


I am looking for some more information regarding porting over my phone and tablet. Will I have unlimited internet access on my tablet and how much is the monthly cost? Is their any sign up fees or montly fees other than the monthly fee for the phone and tablet?


Ace II

Visible does not support tablet or have a tablet plan, only iPhone watch plans. You can have unlimited data to the tablet via the phones hotspot. Depending on which plan you have hotspot data speed is limited to 5Mbps on the base plan and 10Mbps on the plus plan. It is truly unlimited data with no caps including the hotspot. The base plan is deprioritized data so depending on the traffic/congestion in your area would determine the data speeds you will get. The plus plan does off 50GB of premium(priority data like Verizon post paid) on 4G LTE and 5G and once that allotment is used up you are deprioritized until you next billing cycle. 5G UW, if available in your area, does not count towards the 50GB allotment. Hope this answers your question.

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