Buying a second visible 25 dollar a month plan with Obama phone number


Ace II

I have to ask. What is an Obama number? Never heard of that.


If you want a second line you need to open a separate account with a separate email address than what you are using now and you can port in your Obama number.


The Lifeline Program (Obama phone) is administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide a monthly phone or broadband internet subsidy to low-income individuals or families [i]. The subsidy is limited to $9.25 per household per month.   If used for phone service, the subsidy can apply to either fixed line or cell phone service. Many states supplement the federal program to provide increased benefits to participants.   The program started in 1985 but experienced dramatic expansion to more users under the Obama Administration (see graph to the left) and is therefore sometimes referred to as the Obama Phone.  The program is one of four programs administered within the FCC by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), which also subsidizes phone service in high-cost areas, rural areas, schools, and libraries.  Overall the federal government spent $.7 billion on the Lifeline Program in the fiscal year 2021 and is estimated to spend $.7 billion in the fiscal year 2022 and 2023 [ii]. 



Visible is not a Lifeline Program provider

Ace II

I kind of figured it was referring to the ACP. I think the OP is looking for a provider because I think that program ended, maybe this month. I saw a few months ago there was no more funding for that program. He should be able to port the number in but it might depend on which carrier he is currently at and if it is on the list for portable carriers, if that exists anymore.