Google Promo


The Visible website is promoting this... 

Save $240 on your new Google phone

New & existing members: Grab a select Google device and save $240 with code GOOGLE

There is a countdown timer indicating more than 25 days left on the promo.

But when I use the promo code, it indicates that it is expired. 

Is the promo still valid or not?


This is a peer to peer forum and not sure anyone here would have an answer. You might want to contact customer service and ask about it since most of these promos are for new customers, I know this one says existing customers also, but the system might be set up to flag existing customers as it has done in the past on these promos, only guessing. Contact CS and ask why it is rejecting the code. 


I contact customer service on this issue last week.  Was on FOREVER (well, it seemed like it).  They escalated it, said they found the problem.  I've received the same email every 48 hours indicating they're working to fix it - gave me a ticket #, contacted them about ticket status - it was useless.


I had the same issue. I was on an older archived visible plan. I changed to the new visible plan and the code works. Support could not figure it out and I've had a ticket open for a few days but that was my issue. It didn't cost me anything extra to change plans either.