Re: How to buy a new iphone with all promotions by... - Visible Community

How to buy a new iphone with all promotions by keeping the existing phone number


I’m trying to sign up by benefiting from iPhone’s two promotions, but keeping my existing phone number. However, both website and app don’t  ask for whether I want to keep my old number or not and it wants me to pick a new phone number. I couldn’t reach out the support through chat. Does anyone have the same issue and know the solution?


Not applicable

No you have to contact customer service. Good luck no one is home.

Mistake I didn't know your porting in 


I have the exact same question tried the whole day yest to get in touch with customer service no luck if you get hep please guide me too

I asked my question through Messenger. This was their answer. “Hello! Thank you for reaching out to Visible! We are deeply sorry to hear that you are facing this sign-up process issue. If you want to activate via eSIM you will need to get a new number and transfer after activation. *Alex L” 

I’m not sure at this point whether to proceed the process because of walking around activation issues 

If your doing it this way your not going to get the gift card 


But there doesn't seem to be any other option. How do you get hold of customer service anyway?


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