Re: New SIM card won't activate. - Visible Community

New SIM card won't activate.


I have an iPhone 11.  It has been working on Visible for years.  I received a new SIM card today as part of upgrade.  I installed the new SIM, and now the phone will not activate.  I have no service.  Anyone know how to resolve this?



I am having the same problem on my Samsung s22+


Same here, also tried to put back the old SIM, but now both not working. Appears that the old one has already deactivated and the new one won't activate.


Same here, also tried to put back the old SIM, but now both not working. Appears that the old one has already deactivated and the new one won't activate.


Same Issue

Novice II

Same exact thing happened to me yesterday when I tried to upgrade to their newer SIM as well. I got into a chat with support and they said something went wrong with activation and they'd email me when it was "fixed" ๐Ÿ˜•

Novice II

Same exact thing happened to me yesterday. I got into a chat with support and they said there was an issue with activation and they'd send me and email when they figured it out ๐Ÿ˜•

Novice II

Having same issue with my wifeโ€™s phone.  I installed and activated mine w/o issue. But getting SOS Only on her phone.  Waiting on chat to โ€œtalk with humanโ€โ€ฆi hope

Any luck?  I'm also still stuck on 'SOS only'.  16 hours ago I chatted with support and they were extremely confident their solutions were going to work (they were changing settings on their end), but ultimately it did nothing.  This was after I confirmed with them that this was due to the Verizon outage/maintenance from over a day ago.  They finished with what they've been telling everyone, that it should only take 1-4 more hours, but obviously it hasn't - at least for me, unless you found a solution since then?


Update - My phone finally successfully updated.  All I did was to turn off/on the phone every couple of hours, but it was about the fourth time or so that I removed the SIM card, reinstalled it, and turned off/on the phone that it finally found the Visible network.  I wish you all the same luck I had.

Novice II

Same issue; iphone 11 here; had visible for years; upgraded from 7 to 11 about 1.5 years ago with old sim card just fine in moments; have turned phone on and off a dozen times now but still nothing; do not "upgrade" to the "improved" network... it does not exist...


I ordered the new SIM cards and received them, but am afraid to install based on your post and everyone's replies. Have any of you had the issue resolved and your new SIM card is working on the upgrade?


i just tried to activate the new card and it wouldn't work.  Anyone had any luck with this yet?



โ€ขiOS Visible Mobile App on iPhone 11.

There's been an issue

It looks like we can't install your

SIM card right now.

Please note: We recommend chatting with us from your computer or another device if possible.

โ€ขI have an electronic SIM card. so I donโ€™t think removing my phones SIM card will work.

why is my old one shut down cant get into my app


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