Both my wife and I are now with Visible

Intermediate II

We are finally on Visible.  There were problems with the port of both our numbers but Support was able to iron out the issues.  They still have a lot to do to improve on their response.  The verifying of your account is cumbersome and verification is through a link sent to your email account. Plus when there is a change of agent (shift change, maybe over the hours I was chatting with them), the new agent has to initiate another verification process!  Before I click on "Verify" on the email, I have to turn off my VPN to complete the verification on the browser. Anyway I spent a lot of hours yesterday and today with u/VisibleCareSupport over on Reddit. I'm glad it is over.


Ace II

Might be shift change but more than not you will have multiple agents helping at the same time. One issue I had with not being able to sign into my account I had upwards of 7 different initials on responses and some of them never read the previous responses which is even more frustrating, actually to the point I responded by saying you didn't read what was previously wrote. I am under the assumption they juggle multiple people/issues at the same time and which why it seems like when a response from them gets delated I think another agent chimes in. 


It really is sad that at one time when I was using Facebook to message them knowing they were going to ask for my name and email address I even put that first on the message then my issue only to be asked by the agent for that information when he responded. I fired back and told him to read the first sentence again. Even though they try their best sometimes it can be frustrating.


Glad you got it straightened out. Next step getting your multiple devices on hotspot fixed.

Yes, that's right. The next agent usually does not read what was discussed between the previous agent and me.  I had to re-type over again.  Frustrating, really. Good thing I type fast enough to compensate for time lost.  Yesterday, while dealing with my wife's porting issue, I asked the agent to call us on our house phone because it is faster dealing with the issue that way than me banging on the keyboard.  He obliged and we talked conveniently on the phone! Thanks to him. Anyway, I'm/we're all set.


About the hotspot, I can wait for October 1st when Apple releases the fix for Visible's unique way of allowing hotspot feature.