Devices as far as our emoticon-eyes can see

Intermediate II

Visible Community is a place to connect with other members, ask questions, and much more. This forum is all about devices - which ones you like, which ones Visible has, different variations, and so on. To kick this off, weโ€™re going to give you some ideas of what to post and ask in this forum:

  • Did you like a particular device? 
  • Are you thinking about purchasing a new device? 
  • Not sure about preowned? 
  • Not sure about financing?


Moderators will try to address your questions within 48 hours if they are unanswered by community members. If youโ€™re having a problem that is not resolved on the forums, contact Care through chat or social. 




My wife and I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. Will it be available to be used with Visible in the near future?