Switch Parties to get the discount? - Visible Community

Switch Parties to get the discount?

Novice II

Has anyone left their own Party and joined a larger Party? 
Were you able to switch from your own party before your bill was due and join a large party and not lose getting your discount that month?  According to the person I spoke with on Chat today, I can leave my Party (I started one, not knowing I could join someone else's) and join a large party and continue with my discount.  I have been stuck at three members for months.  This seems like the logical thing to do. 
Has anyone done this?



As long as you're in a party of 4 or more at the time of your billing date, you get the discount to $25/month. Just make sure that you make the switch ahead of your billing date. You can verify this in your account page under billing, after you switch. Hope this helps. And if you want to join an already established group, please join ours. 




I joined visible and then created my own party, like a noob, instead of just joining reddit upvote or some other large anonymous one. But when I went to do that, I got this message: "er(s)
This is awkward but ummโ€ฆ youโ€™re already in a party.
If you want to join this one instead, youโ€™ll have to leave the party youโ€™re already in. Totally fine, but if you go through with this, just a heads up that your next payment will be the standard first month $40, and everyone in your original party will have a higher payment next month if they canโ€™t replace you." 


This sucks, because I joined on the "2 months for $22" promotional deal.


I talked to visible chat help, and they said it would NOT affect the deal, which is good. 

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