Do NOT Update Your Service - Visible Community

Do NOT Update Your Service

Novice II

Do not update your service! I mean it. 

Received this ‘cool’ email from Visible saying that I am eligible to update the service to a better network coverage but this would require changing the plan. 

The email said it would be at the same cost (making this possible with a $5 discount for being a value member).

It also said there is no catch. Do not be fooled, there is always a catch.


Checked mobile network speed while staying at the same place in the room and using the same 4 servers as a benchmark (the servers are in 4 different states including the one I reside in). The original 4-server average speed was at 29.8Mbps. 

After updating to a ‘better’ new plan and installing the esim the 4-server average speed has dropped to the measly 6.2Mbps and has been this low throughout the past 3 days. 

There will certainly be Visible affiliated folk responding to this saying that 1) I have probably exceeded the data cap or 2) did not restart my iPhone or 3) the results will vary from state to state etc. 


Do not fall for it. Please do not be fooled the way I was, keep your old plans. 

Once you change the original plan, there is no way to switch back!


#planupdate #newplans #networkupdate #donotupdate


Not applicable

There will only be visited other Visible customer that come here and see this. It would be a miracle if someone from Visible actually would visit these forums and reply.


It is basically the same plan. I switched a week ago and I have saw slightly increased speeds. Most reading now in the mid to upper 30's when before low teens to low 20's, maybe mid to upper 20's late at night. I guess some will have different experience due to old system running on cloud based system to now running on Verizon core network so it is possible you are sharing with more people now then before and are restricted due to being deprioritized since it is congested.


There is no data cap to exceed. One thing to try is toggle airplane mode on and off again to see if it will pick up a different band.


One thing I do say is the network improved for me on the old plan during the daytime back in October. I would have been happy to get anything over 6Mbps. From 2021 up until early October I was lucky if I got 1Mbps. I don't know if a lot of people moved off the old system in early October or if there was an upgrade to the old system also, but my daytime speeds improved hugely and only got better when I switch last week.

I am now being throttled. My guess is that it is because I have resisted and not signed up for Visible/Verizon's new plan. I like my old plan.


first have you chatted in with Visible and given them a chance to resolve the issue?

They don't want to chat with you.  They just disconnect you from the wait queue over and over again.

Novice II

Too late.  I already fell for it.  My speeds are about 2.5 to 3.0 Mbps!  Sometimes upload speed is faster than download!  This morning I have no data service at all.  Trying to chat with support is a complete waste of time because you will never be connected to them.

Everyone should just go find a different provider, any provider.  They could not possibly provide worse service than Visible.

Oh don't say that because i have US Mobile for my work and they have terrible support service that is thousand times worse than visible and the network and plans are terrible and expensive and just rip you off. Besides TMobile, visible is the only carrier I've found with a truly unlimited data plan and cheap service. I've never been capped or deprioritized or throttled in the 2yrs of membership and I've had consistent 100Gb+ data usage months since sign up and US Mobile drops the data rates to under 700kbs when you hit 21Gb in a under a month and you can't do anything at that speed, it's worse than dial up. Web pages don't even load at that speed and they almost all those carriers say in their tiny print that if you go over your monthly allotment you'll be dropped to speeds which are still capable of web usage which is a load of BS. TMobile is just to expensive for their truly unlimited data plan and Verizon is just ridiculous with their cost so stay with visible.

Hi, have you given them a chance? Did you try reaching out on Facebook, or Twitter?

Novice II

I don't use Social Media, but I finally got through to an agent using the Chat feature.  He was very helpful and kept trying different things until my data speed is now faster than ever.  Basically he had to re-set my SIM card and all of the associated settings.

I only had to spend about 5 hours on this problem, today.  Great way to spend a Saturday!?


My network speed is 35mb/s from the Visible Unlimited service plan without the upgrade on a Samsung Galaxy S10e; as of 2/18/2023 network speeds have been increasing since the "upgrade" notice/offer was announced. This is likely because less users are on the original network. If they follow the common model of bait-and-switch, eventually the "upgrade(s)" will be forced and the network will be throttled to force users to switch to the more ('stable' and) exspensive plans offered by the primary service provider (Verizon Wireless). This strategy is called planned obsolescence and is used by monopolies to force purchases.

Novice II

I switched and wished I hadn’t. They won’t switch me back. Across the board my data speeds are horrible. Regardless of the time of day and my location around our city. The network is so slow at times it won’t support loading a basic web page. Voice calling is even jittery. I’ve been on with support multiple times, reset and reinstalled eSIM’s so many times I’ve lost count. The best speed I can get now is around 5 Mbps and it drops down to less than 500 kbps often. I routinely had 5G coverage before and now rarely get more than 2 bars of LTE. In our area the ‘New Network’ is so poor. Beware - Your experience is just as likely to be bad than good.


The question is will your service eventually stop working because you didnt upgrade. As it sits right now I have a s10e and it keeps telling me I need a new phone.  I paid too much for the phone I have now. 


It appears I am now being throttled for Not switching to Visible's new plan!

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