Visible: the exact relationship to Verizon

Novice III

I was told by visible a couple weeks ago that visible had a hypothetical relationship x with Verizon.


My dad saw it on the news that visible had a hypothetical relationship Y with Verizon.


I severely doubt that X and Y could both coexist.


So is visible a totally independent company that buys bandwidth from Verizon and in return accepts a lower priority than true Verizon customer?


Or is Visible the label for a wholly owned division of Verizon that specializes as a budget service label, where you're willing to trade in higher priority to get back some money?


I know there's one way both could possibly be true, is if two weeks ago it was one thing and yesterday it was another.


My dad might switch from a high priority blue Network to Visible, depending on the answer of  this question.


As for phones two of them are iPhones which should easily transfer to visible and a third is a budget Android phone which can trade phone for phone for another basic Android.  My phone will be the most difficult cuz it was a yellow network phone that moved to the blue Network when it was sold as an unlocked phone.  My phone's IMEI was ineligible.


I suggest you give it a try.  if you use a friend code you can get your first month for $5.



I'm already a visible customer signed up in a group of friends.


The reason I was talking about this is because my dad wanted to put four phones possibly on Visible depending on what the corporate relationship between Visible and Verizon is.


The main question is "Is Visible considered the budget label that is owned wholly by Verizon or is this a third party independent company buying Verizon bandwidth at bulk and acting like the basic budget label of Verizon?"


We heard two different stories at two different times so I don't know which one is true.


By the way I'm taking a vacation from visible to pay for something even better gigabit internet in a place that's a data desert.  Yes the temperature for Hades will be snowy and  -20ยฐ Kelvin, which any of the science geeks  know means that the impossible has happened.  (Because zero degrees Kelvin is defined as zero molecular movement and you can't go slower than standing still)


I got to endure one month of financial pain and since the main reason why I bought the visible Wireless was to be a game modem for my Nintendo switch and Xbox One, and downloading ROMs faster has more functionality than being able to play Nintendo switch on the road against real life humans online, I'll be sacrificing this Visible line in order to pay half towards a 1 GB/s home cellular internet. 


I don't know if Dad will jump ship from the blue Network to visible but on a separate question I'll ask "what are you paying for on the premium networks that you're sacrificing on visible and is it worth the money you save?"


The reason why I signed up for Visible originally was because my home network was a pathetic 1.6 Meg in 400k out as shared by four people.  My visible phone is primarily a data phone.  Literally the only thing I'm giving up is the ability to play Nintendo switch against real life human opponents while on in motion.

. I personally think going up from 5 Meg in 5 Meg out to anywhere from 25 Meg to 1 gig in and half that out and splitting with my dad the cost if he believes the the cellular speeds of 25 meg to 1 gig are better than the fact that DSL is a hard-wired connection.  


I think the benefits of a cellular based home internet outweigh that of not even legally broadband DSL when it was sold to us in 2013 when the legislation said three Meg in one Meg out was broadband.


Hopefully this is a "good journey" and not a "Sayonara".  (What you say when you kiss your spouse goodbye for what might possibly be the last time because of War or because you're actually finishing off the person you're saying that to, with sayonara literally being "goodbye for (possibly) the last time." ) It's in my dad's court whether we'll be back.



Novice III

I got some people in either the New York or New Jersey office of Verizon saying that when I mentioned my Data Desert Clause to them and said visible did the math and map work and it should work out, the mid-level manager said it might be good for Verizon to have a similar plan.  They said they have to do the math for visible customers for the visible plan and Verizon customers for the Verizon plan, then probably the people at the main Verizon Branch know that visible did approve as far as their concerned the data desert clause and they just got to do the final math and the advocacy with the FCC.


I guess you could think of Verizon as the real world cell phone company, and visible as the virtual world cell phone company.  Sort of like how Yum brands have different restaurant themes all over the same company.  It's more interesting to call them Kentucky fried Chicken Pizza Hut and Taco Bell than to call them Yum Chicken, Yum Pizza and Yum Mexican.


So I could probably assume that Verizon okayed visible to have the data desert clause and the only obstacle left  is the FCC.  Also Verizon might want to do that data desert clause for themselves too.


Sometimes you talk about the two companies like they're separate companies and sometimes you talk about them like they're the same. 


By the way I would have had 4G home internet from T-Mobile except I'm in the exact same 4G blind spots T-Mobile inherited from Sprint.  So T-Mobile has the plan but not the coverage and won't until 5G comes here. Meanwhile visible has the 4G coverage I assume (never really tested my speed because I just used it as a stationary cellular modem and do most of my phone business on a different phone provided by my parents).


Maybe I could talk my parents into getting rid of DSL and accessing home internet through visible hotspot which currently already is better than DSL, and that's just one imagine 4 such devices and at the same time save some money on cell phone bills if you're willing to deal digital only and pay phones with cash only (actually a virtual cash equivalent.  As part of your brand you don't do things in stores or by mail usually)