Help Needed


Hello, I just signed up and was wondering if a supervisor or manager could help me. Before I activated I had the agent check if I could still use the promotion for Visible+ for $35. He said after I activated he could adjust it. So I activated and he did add back some credits, but my plan is still showing $45. I have the chat transcript where I made sure to ask that this was a monthly $35 from now on. Thank you. 


There are no supervisors or managers from Visible here, this is a peer to peer forum and is rarely visited, if at all, by Visible employees.


If you signed up on or after September 1st you are not eligible for the promo and whoever the agent was you spoke with has mislead you and gave you false information, not the first time they have done that. The VISIBLE35 promotion ended on 8/31.

Great way to be welcomed to Visible. Yay.