In port rejection

  • My son, daughter and I tried to port our numbers to visible from Cricket wireless. Attempting to go from a group plan, to 3 separate phone plans and visible rejected it. Even though I verified the correct account number transfer pin. I also verified that our account is active and in good standing. The visible agent I spoke with was not any help. Is there any other reason why the port would not be accepted? Or any other options I can try? We want to separate our plan. Does having different addresses affect it?

Addresses would only be rejected if they are not registered in the USPS database to receive mail. If it is a new address receiving mail it may not be in Visible's system yet. 


Visible is single line accounts, are you using a separate email addresses for each line?


Are the phones compatible with Visible, do they pass the IMEI checker?


If yes to the last two questions that I am not sure what the issue would be. I never ported in, just started with a new number so I am unfamiliar with the process. You will activate with a new temporary number before the port can happen. Only thing I can say is try customer service again and if that person fails ask for a supervisor. Just keep in mind when you first sign into chat you are speaking to an AI bot(Connai) to get a actual agent type agent in the chat box.


Good luck!