Phone compability

hello, I want to connect my phone to visible, but it gives me an error that my imei is not available, although I have already connected my phone to verizon and received an esim, my phone is samsung s23, and my phone is unlocked #@



They just try to force everyone to buy their phones, any phone can be used, download a IMEI generator and watch a video on this. This is how I did my phone that was locked and also told not compatible. My phone works just fine 


My Galaxy S22 Ultra is not compatible and comes from the Verizon network. IMEI and IMEI (eSIM) are not compatible why??

I used an IMEI generator from the google play store,  by edge dev studio, it's free, also watch a video about it on YouTube it's a very simple process and it will allow you to use your phone on the network. I've had the same issue when I first signed up and I believe it's because they want you to try to buy their phone. I signed up using a T-Mobile phone and it said it wasn't compatible and still using it a year later on this network.