Solved: Re: Sprint to Visible nightmare - Visible Community

Sprint to Visible nightmare

Novice II

On 8/24, 15 days ago, my family switched to Visible. I did an eSIM. Once my number ported, I was still not able to receive calls. I logged a ticket that same day. I also noticed that my apple watch was not able to make calls without my phone turned on. So I logged a ticket for that. I have had conversations with support every day since this started. I am 48th in line every time I go to chat them and they simply tell me that it's escalated and critical and that I'll get an email. The only emails I get say they are working on it and close to resolution. I have asked to speak to a supervisor. They schedule a call and I never get it (gave them my wife's number). Verizon and Visible both show my transfer request (port) as complete and successful. I moved from Sprint because I am now WFH and my phone is critical. I'm about to get fired over my cell phone and I cannot even speak to someone about it. 


has anyone experienced this and actually wound up with service? I'm about to have to go to another carrier. 


Novice II

Novice II

Escalate your case to FCC. 

Here the link

Thanks! I wound up doing that earlier this month and had resolution within 24 hours. I should have updated it here. 


give me $5 please

Novice email on successful  number transfer but have NO service. How were you able to talk to someone? I can onoly get a structured BOT chat that does not help at all!


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