Urgent: Payment Processing Issue - Account Lapsed


Visible Support Team,


I am writing to inform you of an issue I’ve encountered with my payment method and the subsequent suspension of my service. On the 19th of January, I updated my payment method, believing the transaction would process automatically as I submitted it. However, the next day (January 20th), I received a notification that my service had been suspended and my account had lapsed due to an unpaid balance.

Upon reviewing my account, I attempted to submit payment again using Four different methods—Three debit cards with sufficient funds, and my PayPal account. However, each time I received the error message:

"Your service payment failed, pay another way."


This is not an issue of insufficient funds, but rather a system or server error on your end. I need my service reactivated immediately as I currently have no access.

Please address this issue as soon as possible and advise me on the next steps. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a direct contact number or have an agent reach out to me by phone or email, as I cannot resolve this through the chat system. This is unacceptable. 


Ace II

FYI, you can not reach customer service on these forums. This forum is a community or peer to peer forum. It is not visited by customer service.


You need to contact customer service about your issue by going to www.visible.com and signing into your account, in the bottom righthand corner is a blue box, click it that will open chat. You will engage with a chatbot, answer some questions and once a dialog box appears to type in type the word agent. You can also contact customer service by messaging them on one of their social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, X or their support page on Reddit. They do not have a phone number you can call for CS but they will do callbacks sometimes.