Visible/Assurant Partial refund check is it legiti... - Visible Community

Visible/Assurant Partial refund check is it legitimate


I received a small check ( less than $25) that list in the memo section Visible Protect device protection partial refund for premium payments august of 2021  february of 2025, I do have assurant phone insurance paid thru my visible account for my iphone - I contacted visible as to what this was for they really were not sure - anyone else get one of these checks ? is it legit ?


Ace II

A couple people on Visible's Reddit page mentioned a few days ago they received a check also. I am guessing it is a refund for over payment.


Is it legit? If it looks like a check, has pay to the order of "your name", has a bank account/routing number on the check and is signed by someone whether printed or auto-signed then it is likely legit. There should even be a bank name on it. As long it was a mailed check likely legit, if it was an email with a link for credit I would say no, it is a phishing scam.

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