Solved: Voicemail Won't Load, Can't Access - Visible Community

Voicemail Won't Load, Can't Access


Everything transferred from Verizon to Visible smoothly. About a week afterwards, my voicemail stopped loading, refreshing, displaying on the screen. I receive the VM icon at the top of my android when one has been left, and when I click to access, a screen pops up up with the Visible colors and spinning icon with "Please wait while we check your account information." It never stops spinning, the screen never advances, and I never see the voicemail. I chatted Visible last week, 3 different reps, got disconnected twice, and after spending 45 minutes talking to a rep that called me back, there is no resolution. She had me check a number of things on my phone, she reset my voicemail on her end (she didn't call it a reset), had me restart my phone several times (which I had tried previously), and nothing worked. I finally had to end the call because the whole process took/was taking so long and I had an obligation. The same thing happened today, and that dang wheel is still spinning trying to "check my account information," and I am pretty frustrated. Please help!!



Y'all! Just tried this fix from another post and it WORKED! Now, if only the Visible reps knew to tell folks this! Below is the resolution I copied from the helpful post.


"Thanks to @GreenSub for his voicemail fix from another thread! Anyone else having this issue on a Samsung can try this:


Go to Settings - Apps - Voicemail - Storage - Clear Data

Then Open Voice Mail and go through the prompts ."

View solution in original post



Y'all! Just tried this fix from another post and it WORKED! Now, if only the Visible reps knew to tell folks this! Below is the resolution I copied from the helpful post.


"Thanks to @GreenSub for his voicemail fix from another thread! Anyone else having this issue on a Samsung can try this:


Go to Settings - Apps - Voicemail - Storage - Clear Data

Then Open Voice Mail and go through the prompts ."

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