Live chat not working - Visible Community

Live chat not working




i received my new phone/SIM card 9/19/22 but my account says it has not arrived!

I cannot get anyone in Live Chatโ€ฆ





I selected eSIM, but cannot connect. I've been waiting for chat for 6 hours. PLEEEASE HELP!!


I've been trying for about 36 hours to chat with Visible with zero luck.  I've tried the website, the phone app and FB Messenger but nothing is working.  What is going on?

I have had the same problem. I am trying to get an email address for Angie Klein the CEO ask her what the heck is going on?  The chat (help) feature is terrible now. Are they having financial difficulties?




Novice III

I have been in chat with Visible several times, but each time I had to wait approximately an hour until I made it into the "countdown queue."  The chat window changes to a countdown of the number of people waiting ahead of you for a techie.  So, my advice is, if you want to try to chat with them, be patient for at least an hour.  Also--and this was recommended by one of the techs themselves--if you want to try to get into chat, use a computer rather than the phone app.  Open a window in your computer browser, login to visible, and initiate the chat request from there.  Then, simply wait and don't close your browser.  He made this recommendation to me after admitting that trying to chat through the phone app often times out or fails for some people.

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