Quick solutions to common wireless service problems

Intermediate II

If you’re having any issues with calling, texting, or anything involved in using data, we’re going to provide you with some common network troubleshooting steps. So, if you’re having issues, try the steps below. If you’re still having issues after that, ask your community here or contact Care on chat or social for some support. 

  • Make sure your SIM card is inserted correctly. 
    • Remove your SIM, turn your phone off and on, and then re-insert your SIM once it's back on. 
    • Verify this has worked by sending a text, making a call, and accessing the internet without WiFi.
  • Confirm you are using a compatible device.
  • Verify you are in the Visible coverage area. 
  • Confirm you are up-to-date on any payments.
  • Check if your phone has "Airplane Mode" enabled.
    • iPhone: Go to Settings > Airplane Mode. If the slider is turned on, turn it off. You will know it's off because it will be gray. 
    • Android: Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Airplane Mode. If the slider is turned on, turn it off. You will know it's off because it will be gray.
  • Confirm LTE is enabled.
    • iPhone: Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options and confirm Enable LTE is checked.
    • Android: Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network and confirm the Mobile Data option is toggled on.
  • Confirm voice/data is enabled. 
    • iPhone: Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Enable LTE. Make sure that the option for "Voice & Data" is selected.
    • Android: Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network and confirm the Mobile Data option is toggled on.
  • Confirm the status of Roaming. If enabled, you should disable it.
    • iPhone: Go to Settings > Cellular > Data Roaming.
    • Android: Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Network. 
  • Reset network settings. 
    • iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. 
    • Android: Go to Settings > System > Advanced > Reset Options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth.

Are you still having trouble?
Click here or chat into Care via our app or social.


Novice II

These are very helpful ideas for troubleshooting! There is a part of town where my data drops and even though I have bars, the data won't work. As soon as I leave that area everything is back to normal. So there could be dead zones and any amount of phone adjustments won't help.

I have a similar issue. I have great service at my house where I really do not need it. If I drive into town 3 miles away, my connection either slows to a crawl (less than 1 Mbps) or does not work at all. I can not even make phone calls in these areas. This will need to be fixed quick or I will need to find another service provider.


I'm not sure which version of IOS you are referencing but on the latest version 14.4 - iPhone: Go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options and confirm Enable LTE is checked. <--- The Enable LTE check is not there. The only thing it shows is that Roaming is on/off. 

Novice III

oneplus 8t, was working flawless when i activated it and for the next few days then tow night ago is throttled down to a steady 5Mbps down and up link. it used to be around 200Mbps down and 90Mbps up links all the time same exact location now data speeds shoot up to 40 or 50Mbps down and up link then very rapidly i can see it being throttled to 5Mbps every single time. i tried everything including factory reset. contacted support almost 48hrs ago, reference 01868665. chatted twitter multiple time and nobody can help yet engineers have also failed to get back to me on the reference case.

they all say there is a problem with the re-provisioning button for my line that is stuck or grayed out and they cannot re-provisioned my line, they also say sim card is probably badly configured as well.

I'm sitting here very upset and anxiously waiting for the reference case number resolution and to hear back.

my girlfriend has also visible she is in bed right next to me and she is getting constant and steady 170 or 210Mbps downlink and 70 or 90 uplink with no throttled of any kind. mine keeps being throttled to 5Mbps since two night ago when i used to get average 300Mbps downlink and 90Mbps uplink almost 99% of the time, the slowest I ever got was 90Mbps downlink since i got the service, but being throttled to a constant 5Mbps downlink and uplink never.

please help me! 


oneplus 8t, was working flawless when i activated it and for the next few days then tow night ago is throttled down to a steady 5Mbps down and up link. it used to be around 200Mbps down and 90Mbps up links all the time same exact location now data speeds shoot up to 40 or 50Mbps down and up link then very rapidly i can see it being throttled to 5Mbps every single time. i tried everything including factory reset. contacted support almost 48hrs ago, reference 01868665. chatted twitter multiple time and nobody can help yet engineers have also failed to get back to me on the reference case.

they all say there is a problem with the re-provisioning button for my line that is stuck or grayed out and they cannot re-provisioned my line, they also say sim card is probably badly configured as well.

I'm sitting here very upset and anxiously waiting for the reference case number resolution and to hear back.

my girlfriend has also visible she is in bed right next to me and she is getting constant and steady 170-210Mbps downlink and 70-90 uplink with no throttled of any kind. mine keeps being throttled to 5Mbps since two night ago when i used to get average 300Mbps downlink and 90Mbps uplink almost 99% of the time, the slowest I ever got was 90Mbps downlink since i got the service, but being throttled to a constant 5Mbps downlink and uplink never.

please help me! 😑

Maybe you should get another account. 

Did this get fixed? If so, what was the issue? Thanks

Novice III

SMS -> Email sending


I used to be able to send pictures and even text messages from SMS to my email for some reason over the past month I get the Red Circle with the Exclamation mark and then Not Delivered I can recieve Picture Mail though from my email to my cell just can't reply or send new ones???

Same issue here.  Spent hours with visible support and they didn't seem to know about the issue.  Huge disappointment that Visible needs to fix!

Novice III

It's a really bad bad issue that you cannot send MMS message to foo(at)foo.com (Email example) if you can do it from your Phone you should be able to do it the opposite way??


Need to know an ETA on when the Apple watch Series 7 will be supported.  Thanks Mike


I'm now getting dial-up speeds pretty much every day since the 1st day of 2022. This makes it pretty unusable. Is there maintenance happening on the network? It is especially bad in the morning to early afternoon. I get sub-DSL speeds during the evenings. The speeds were pretty decent last year. 

I would like to know too! 

Novice III

I did read over all of your recommendations regarding trouble with service. I did experience a dip in service going through Oklahoma. If you don’t have access to your data, how are you supposed to chat if you can’t even get service? Great in theory…


Today is the third day I have not had service. I chatted with a representative and did everything they recommended: reset network settings, removed SIM card for a few minutes, turned airplane mode on and off…nothing has worked. 

I was told this matter will be resolved in 24 to 42 hours but it’s not looking very promising. I’ve literally had to cancel appts because I don’t have access to a gps being that I don’t have data or wifi when on the road. 

This is ridiculous. If this is going to be a constant problem I’ll have to change carriers 😕 

@mlrphoto- Any update on your problem? My gf is having the exact problem right now. We have gone through the activation and troubleshooting steps so many times. 

It ended up fixing itself after about two weeks. Unfortunately nothing customer service did actually helped. 

when I’m outside I make sure the wifi is off so it doesn’t try to connect to a random network, and then I play with airplane mode til my service comes back. That’s the best advice I can give. Hopefully her service comes back 🤞🏽

Novice II

I have been a Visible customer for 10 days. I have not been able to send text messages or access my voicemail. My data speed varies wildly. I have tried all of the above suggestions and have attempted to engage with help support over the last 10 days. They offer the same suggestions that have not solved my problem. They say they are escalating this to tech support. Tech support emails me and give the same "fixes" that have not work or ask me to go back to help chat and they ask the same questions, offer the same "fixes" that never work and then escalate to tech, tech emails and send me back to help chat, over and over and over. They problems are never fixed.


Is there a way to get out of this loop? This is day 10 of paying for Visible and not being able to use my cell phone. I am not being heard when I contact them to get help. 

Novice II

We just switched over my wife's Iphone 11 pro max from Page Plus and we're having data issues. She has no data. Could it be because she still has the tracfone profile downloaded on her phone? We had to download that in order for data to work with page plus. 

Reset network settings turn off phone and back on 

Novice II

Thanks for the troubleshooting steps. Not sure why but Resetting Network settings brought the network connection back.

Novice II

If anyone else is still having problems, here's what I realized my problem (and solution) was. 


I did the 15-day free Visible trial, which sets up a temporary secondary number on your phone. 


Then when I signed up for a (paid) Visible account, and ported my old number over, I assumed incorrectly that my phone would use the line assigned to my old number (labeled primary, in settings > cellular), and so I disabled the temporary Visible trial number (labeled secondary).


I was having SO MANY PROBLEMS. I could iMessage other iPhone-using people, but could not text my Android-using husband. And could not do anything using data (only wifi).


In about 24 hours, I looked at my settings again, and things looked different: it showed that now I had two lines using my same old number. A-ha. I needed to disable the old one (labeled primary) because even though the numbers were the same, that was my old (and now deactivated) cell provider (in my case, Verizon), and enable the new one (labeled secondary) because that was my new (and now activated, with my old number ported over) cell provider (Visible). 


Did that, and now everything works just dandy. 😅 


That may sound confusing. Happy to upload a screen shot if it helps anyone. It all seems obvious in hindsight, but it took me a while to figure it out, and thought maybe I'm not the only one. 


Good luck!

Novice II

Oops, duplicated this post. Trying to delete.


How long will these steps take my Iphone still cannot call out or receive calls??