Speeds on the $25 plan

Novice III

I know the speed can be deprioritized , but I was just wondering what kind of speeds does one get in a major metro area with the $25 plan? 
 Iโ€™m just trying to get feedback, so I know what to expect. (Iโ€™m in the Dallas-Fort Worth area by the way.)


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It would depend on congestion on the towers in your area. You are deprioritized and at the mercy of post paid Verizon customers. On the base plan you do get 5G(even c-band I believe but capped at 200Mbps) so it could be hit or miss on speeds. If you have a newer iPhone you can try Visible with the 15 day free trial using eSIM to see what speeds you would get and the service that is in your area. The trial is the base plan.

Do you have the more expensive plan or are you on the $25 plan? I checked areas that I frequent and even in wise county Texas the $25 plan works well as far as I can see.. when I head up there. (about a 45 minute drive.) , I will truly tested, but in the Dallas-Fort Worth area I get 5G everywhere not so sure I need wideband right now.

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I'm on the base plan($25). I live in NW Minnesota and my area is only 4G LTE. Towers are far and few in between and somewhat congested here. I see speeds from 15 to 35Mbps which is plenty fast for me. Far faster than when I started with Visible 2 years ago, I had speed less than 5Mbps during the daytime. Last fall after they upgraded to Verizon core system my speeds improved. I wouldn't really benefit from the Plus plan as most of my data usage is on my laptop since I don't like looking at the smaller screen and hotspot is capped at 5Mbps.