Download/Upload Speeds in/around Richmond, VA
Anyone have any idea how fast the download/upload speeds are in Richmond, VA area? Thanks.
Anyone have any idea how fast the download/upload speeds are in Richmond, VA area? Thanks.
I currently have a grandfathered plan from TMO, which was their 10 Gig per line family plan. After realizing they didn’t really care about retaining customers that refused to switch to plans that were several hundred more per month, I decided to try ...
We know that the rich boyz and galz are on Verizon and the small folks are here. But I thought hey since we got forced to upgrade network which in turn opens the possibility to use 5G and 5GUW I might as well buy a 5G UW so I can have faster speed!Wr...
We know that the rich boyz and galz are on Verizon and the small folks are here. But I thought hey since we got forced to upgrade network which in turn opens the possibility to use 5G and 5GUW I might as well buy a 5G UW so I can have faster speed!Wr...
So this morning I get up run a few speed tests and to my SURPRISE ~ speeds are from 40 to 70 down and 11 up. (it’s early in the morning, but I’m very pleased). Ticket was escalated yesterday but if this keeps up it may not be needed. (DFW area)
I spent all day trying to figure out why am I speeds are pretty slow less than 5 Mb per second and consistently between about two and 3 MB a second download and 2 to 2.5 up. Now where I live in northern Fort Worth, it is fairly congestioned with buil...
I know the speed can be deprioritized , but I was just wondering what kind of speeds does one get in a major metro area with the $25 plan? I’m just trying to get feedback, so I know what to expect. (I’m in the Dallas-Fort Worth area by the way.)
This guy claim to have 450Mbps. Anyone else? The best I've seen in my area is 120s-Mbps