Attempt to get a Samsung galaxy 5G UW working with... - Visible Community

Attempt to get a Samsung galaxy 5G UW working with Visible


I am attempting to get my wifes phone working at 100% with Visible. It is a Verizon - Samsung galaxy 5G UW

Model # SM-A716V

When I placed the IMEI number from her phone in the automated chat on Visible, the "helper" says it is compatible and ready to go to Visible but when going to order the SIM, I find it is not compatible (which of course, I can get around by putting in a different IMEI number that will allow me to order the SIM). I have transferred my own phone to Visible (which is a different model), so I am testing her phone with my SIM for now. By custom entering the APNs, I have gotten her phone to almost fully work. It makes and receives calls and text messages. But, it fails to do internet. Does anyone have any words of advice to help me with getting her phone fully implemented?



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