I made my 3rd service payment but I didn't get my $150 virtual gift card


I bought a iphone 13 pro last October,as of this January, I made my 3rd service payment but I didn't get my $150 virtual gift card. what do I need to do now.Thank you!


Not applicable

First check your account on a laptop or desktop to see if the credit is there. If not contact customer service.


Also, if you used a friends and family code when you joined I don't believe the offer for GF can be stacked with other discounts but I could be wrong. I have read where others have had the same problem and contacting customer service wouldn't say why. But you will need to contact them to find out.


@Anonymous - You're right, if you used the friends and family discount, you lose the $150 gift card.

But, like you said, never hurts to ask customer care via chat! 🙂

Ryan Blake - Information Technology Leadership Professional | Superusers are not employees of Visible, but are users just like you.
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