Re: Visible text messaging is down! - Page 3 - Visible Community

Visible text messaging is down!

Novice III

I know 3 people on Visible, and none of them can receive text messages.  Everyone can send text messages. Visible technical support has not been helpful. Let me know if you have the same experience.

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Please contact visible. I was able to get mine fixed. It's a pain but at least it's working!

How?  Do you mind sharing?  So frustrated 


No texts since 11am today and I know some have been sent also not receiving multi factor authentication codes


I have not been able to receive messages all day from anyone on AT&T but TMobile and Verizon customer sent messages seem be be coming through here in CT on Pixel 7.


Calling works fine, sent messages containing attachments go through fine, attachment from TMobile user came through fine...just haven't received the 20 messages I have so far confirmed were sent to me since last night.


Also not working all day in SE Michigan, I can’t complete some legal paperwork without 2FA message with a code, so I’m really ticked off.


Also can’t receive messages in SE Michigan.

i can’t complete some legal paperwork without 2FA working so I’m really ticked off.


Samsung and IPhone user and neither are receiving texts.  Tried contacting support and didn't get any reason or resolution. North Carolina 

Novice II

They told me last night at around midnight that it would be a few hours. I still have not received the texts that were sent yesterday.  This is really frustrating, especially since I paid my bill (early, I might add). Good luck

Novice II

Same. I noticed I wasn’t getting my text messages and I contacted them twice one told me they fixed the issue the other told me I have waits a few hours because there’s been an outage.


Still not receiving text messages over 24 hours. Support not helpful at all. 

Novice III

Same here.  Started yesterday 

Novice III

I just sent myself through google...worked.  But cannot receive from anyone who is simply texting

Novice II

NW Pennsylvania, unable to receive texts for over 24 hours. Visible Chat has been extremely unhelpful, keep being told that they have Technicians working on the issue, which is unfortunate, because it was probably the same type of Technicians that caused this problem to begin with. Either way, I was basically told to wait around for another 3-5 hours and hope the problem is resolved by then, so that was fun to hear.

That is really unfortunate and frustrating! I had the complete opposite interaction and customer support was really helpful and got things fixed for me and my husband. Of course, I had to wait for an hour to get through but once I did the fix only took about 10 minutes. Hopefully, it will be a network fix without everyone needing to contact them but it was worth it for me just to get it working.

If you dont mind me asking, what did they do for you? I waited about 45 minutes to finally Chat with someone, only to be told there was nothing they could do for me and to be "patient", keeping in mind that my device is basically useless and has been for over 24 hours. 

As soon as I got connected the rep said "I assume you are having problems with the network huh?" I explained that I couldn't receive SMS. They asked me to reset my network settings. I explained that I already had done that. They said they understood but that they needed to make changes on their end also. So I complied and reset the network settings. Then I restarted my phone. They asked me to test it, which I did and it worked. I then explained that my husband had the exact same problem. They did the exact same process and it resolved his issue as well. I also mentioned that the last couple of weeks we were having problems with our phones not always ringing. The rep then said that they would apply the same changes for our phones not ringing. That was last night about 8pm and so far my phone has been working. I DID NOT get any of the text messages that I had missed over the last 24 hours though. 

Thank you! That is the first time I actually had someone explain to me how they got theirs fixed. Now, its just a matter of getting another Chat session going and explaining to them, this procedure and see if it works for me! Thanks again!


I stopped receiving texts yesterday. Just finished chatting with a customer service representative who told me nearly all visible customers are having this issue. 


Yes, I stopped receiving SMS messages yesterday AM. I just finished chatting with a customer service representative who informed me that nearly all visible customers are having this issue. 

Novice II

Not working for me in Salt Lake City since Feb 28 at 6 PM

Novice III

Same here.  Go to chat, wait 45 mins and get disconnected.   


I stopped receiving texts yesterday morning, possibly the night of 2/27 without me noticing. I can still send them and make and receive calls though. This is getting really frustrating because you're right, their support is horrible.

Novice II

Virginia on visible network with iphone unable to receive text messages

Novice II

In Virginia on Visible network with iPhone unable to receive text messages


Same - Madison WI 😔 

Novice II

I haven't received any texts since evening if the 27th. None yesterday. I've been trying to get through the customer service. Judging by what I see on the Internet this happens frequently with Visible and they don't know how to find a fix. 

Novice II

I haven't received any texts since the evening of the 27th. I'm in central pa. Been trying to get through to customer service since last night when I realized I wasn't getting anything. Judging by the Internet they are clueless as to it happening or how to fix it. 


Same here. Waited for 4 hours for a chat session just to be told they had a major system outage and that it would be back up soon. That was 12 hours ago. Horrible customer service and complete lack of transparency. Why are there no customer communications going out? 

Novice II

Me and 3 others with Visible can't send or receive text in North Carolina. Been on hold for over an hour with chat with no response. This issue has now been going on for 2 days now and it needs to be foxed.


Same situation here, I can send text messages but I cannot receive them. Service has been down since yesterday morning. I chatted with their help desk this morning. They were absolutely zero. Help. Said they hope to have it fixed by today


Same situation here. I have a Google pixel 6A, I can send text messages but I cannot receive text messages. This started yesterday morning, I chatted with the tech support this morning. They said they hope to have it fixed soon. Offer no timeline.


Just got through with a Visible agent and they were able to fix this issue pretty quickly. Had me do a few things on my end and now I can receive sms messages again (but not any messages that had been sent during the outage). Had to wait a pretty long to get to chat to a live person, but besides that the assistance was prompt and helpful. it would be nice (for any Visible techs/customer service folk reading this) if when a similar issue occurs there was a network wide email sent to users letting us know in the very least that it is a known issue being worked on. My biggest frustration with the whole thing was trying to determine where the breaking point was in the first place (my phone, my messaging app, my carrier, etc). Better transparency and communication with your customers would really be appreciated. 

What did they have you do to resolve it on your end? I just spoke to an agent after waiting on hold for an hour and she told me to do what I had already told her I did 20 times, go into Airplane mode and reboot the phone. I told her if I reboot the phone I'm gonna lose the connection with you and her answer was I'll be here waiting for you and if we disconnect I'll call you well of course We disconnected and of course she wasn't there waiting for me and of course she didn't call me now I'm back in the queue for another hour.


Finally got through to someone on chat.  They told me it would be resolved soon and to just wait.  Had to push on them that an outage that is greater than 24 hours, the idea of soon has already left.  Took a lot of pushing for them to even attempt to help me other than tell me to wait.  And after another hour of them supposedly doing something to fix the issue, they again told me just to wait.


I have the same issue in NC, started sometime on 27 Feb.  New Samsung S22.


I am having the same issue in NC, started sometime on 27 Feb.  Using a Samsung S22.

Novice III

There is now a message on their page that they are aware of voice, data and text issues and they are working on it

Where do you see that? I don't see anything

When I signed into my account

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