Solved: Re: No Redemption Code After Four Months - Visible Community

No Redemption Code After Four Months


I was a new customer at the end of October 2022 and purchased a new phone that included a $150 gift card promotion that would be given after 3 months of payments. It has now been over 4 months, and I still have never received a redemption code for this gift card. On my account, it gives the option to "Click here to redeem," but the next screen asks for a redemption code with the message, "You should've gotten a code in an email. Enter it below so we can get started!"


The Offers website has an FAQ page with the question, "Who should I contact if I don't get my gift card or if my gift card isn't working?" However, the URL they offer is not active. On the Contact Us page, it says, "If you have any issues with your promotion. Please contact our vendor, Blackhawk, for support." No URL is even given, much less the official name of the company to contact. I chatted with an individual with support, who gave the URL for Blackhawk, but no directions on which option to select on their Contact Us page either.


Blackhawk responded to my Customer Service inquiry saying, "This product is not supported by our department. We recommend contacting the store where you bought your card and request for the correct customer service number."



If you contact Visible via chat, Facebook messenger, Twitter, or Reddit, they will escalate the issue and reissue you a redemption code for you to use to access the gift card or other promotion you are due.

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If you contact Visible via chat, Facebook messenger, Twitter, or Reddit, they will escalate the issue and reissue you a redemption code for you to use to access the gift card or other promotion you are due.

I did not have luck with Visible Chat for any of my problems, so I tried Facebook Messenger next. They responded quickly to my issue, confirmed my account, recognized the issue, and I had the redemption code in my inbox within minutes. Thanks so much for the insight and help @jwhitaker80!

I did contact via Chat and was told they handle issues once you have the redemption code, which I've said a couple of times I did not receive, got the same respond after insisting on the question, so who do I contact to get the redemption code? 4 months have passed already


I see this must be a common problem. I still have not received a redemption code after 4 months. Did a live chat , and was told I would receive a redemption code in 24 to 48 hours. It has now been 7 days still no code. Am thinking about switching service. Don`t like a company that does not keep there word.

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