No service for 43 days now.

I'm on day 43 with very minimal service. If I'm home I can use wifi calling. I have talked with customer service too many times to count. They have had me download several eSIMs and sent me 2 different physical SIMs and I have factory reset my phone twice. I've had 2 different case #s through CS and I'm gonna have to call again because they have now sent me an email that says since they can't contact me they are closing the last case as well. 

Of course you can't contact me because my service sucks. When I started this service I brought my own phone (Galaxy s22 Ultra) and paid for the whole year. So in the middle of trying to not get hateful with them they told me that I couldn't get a refund so now I'm stuck with a service that doesn't work and they don't seem to care to fix it. Everytime I contact them they start by acting like it is my phone or something I did. Well no it's not my phone or anything I did, it worked just fine for several months then bang. I work for Door Dash and I have to have my phone or I can't work. So I haven't been able to work in over a month. But do they care.... NO.