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Forum Posts

Launching Today: Annual Plan

Hey Visible community! We want to continue to give our members more options to pay for their service how they’d like, which is why we are launching our new Annual Plan option. To learn more about our new Annual Plan, keep reading! Plan Prices & Detai...

Doesn't work, want to CANCEL

I can't get Visible to work, paid $20 via Paypal, you gave me new phone number, I want to CANCEL Visible account so I don't pay any more.

Losing data service when using hotspot

I have been encountering this issue since setting up my plan and Visible support has no solution for me. I have an iPhone SE 2020 and use it to hotspot a chromebook. Randomly it will drop data service when I do this. The chromebook is still connected...

Setting up wifi calling while in another country

Hello! A couple months ago I was able to turn on wifi calling while in another country. I accidentally toggled it off, and now I need to turn it on again. But I'm not in the US and won't be back for a while. When I try to follow the basic directions ...

Issues porting old number

I am having the worst time porting my old number to this visible service. It continues to give me the error that the zip code does not match. I have tried the billing zip code, my old zip code, and the zip code that my phone number is associated to. ...

cnovak by Novice
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