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Forum Posts

Launching Today: Annual Plan

Hey Visible community! We want to continue to give our members more options to pay for their service how they’d like, which is why we are launching our new Annual Plan option. To learn more about our new Annual Plan, keep reading! Plan Prices & Detai...


Hello. I am needing to speak to someone over the phone about joining back up to Visible.

Unable to add iWatch to plan

When I try to add my apple watch to my cellular plan I am getting the following error: Something's not quite rightThe phone number attached to this watch isn't matching the account you are logged in with

Upgrading network without app

Hello, as the title says I am trying to upgrade my network without the app, I am currently on an iOS that doesn’t support the visible app. I am wondering if there is a way to somehow upgrade my network without the app. Upgrading my iOS is not an opti...

Victi by Novice
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Upgrade network plan

I’ve been trying to upgrade my network to the new plan but I can’t because my account still has my old phone on it and undefined/mo. When chatting with visible, I was told they can’t access it and need to blog it. Has anyone else had this problem?

Very low volume on cell calls

I switched to the new plan and new sim card. Ever since, incoming cell calls I can hardly hear them speak. Except for 1 person. Landline calls are fine. I got another sim but problem persists. Tech has no idea. My phone worked fine b4 the switch last...